Rajnigandha Double Patel Tuberose Bulbs (Pack of 2)
Rajnigandha Double Patel Tuberose Bulbs (Pack of 2)
Product Name: ?Rajnigandha Double Patel Tuberose Bulbs (Pack of 2) Package Contains: It has 2 Piece of Tuberose Bulbs Type: Flower Seed Combo/Set Of: Pack of 2 Weight: 100
Rajnigandha flower bulbs Polianthes tuberosa, the tuberose, is a perennial plant related to the agaves, extracts of which are used as a note in perfumery. The common name derives from the Latin tuberosa, meaning swollen or tuberous in reference to it’s root system. Polianthes Tuberosa (Rajnigandha), the tuberose is a perennial flowering plant (A perennial plant is a plant that lives for more than two years).
Meaning of Rajanigandha is The Fragrance of the Night, it has tubular blooms with magical and seductive fragrance which is uncommon and spells magic to all who smell it. Growing Rajnigandha Bulbs is an easy task, it is an easy-care flower which does not require special expertise to grow it as house flower plant.Rajanigandha bulbs are best planted in early spring after the last frost, but this requires a warm climate with a growing season at least 4 months long. Plant Rajanigandha bulbs in a spot where they will receive a full day of sun.
How To Grow Tuberose, Rajnigandha Bulbs:
Plant tuberose bulbs in spring when frost is past. Place the Bulbs 3 to 4 inches deep and 5 to 7 inches apart. Soil Shoul be well drained and pick sunny spot for best germination, well tuberose bulbs likes hot afternoon sun. Keep the soil consistently moist before and during the period of bloom that occurs in late summer. Enrich poor soil with compost and organic amendments to increase drainage and texture for the best show of tuberose flowers. Best results of blooms come from the cultivar Mexican Single, which is highly fragrant. ‘Pearl’ offers double blooms as big as two inches across. ‘Marginata’ has variegated blooms.
Planting process.
- Prepare the garden bed using a garden fork or tiller to loosen the soil to a depth of 5 to 7 inches before applying bulbs.
- Use 30% cocopeat / 20% vermicompost / 30% soil / 20% sand of good germination. And mix well.
- When measuring from the base of the bulb, plant bulbs at least 3 to 4 inches deep.
- Set the bulb in the hole with the pointed end. And that means digging deeper, loosening the soil and allowing drainage, or making raised beds.
- Remember, the larger the bulb, the deeper the hole.
- Set the bulb in the hole with the pointed end.
- Then cover it well with soil.
- When the bulbs grow, water should be given only twice in a week.
- Do not let the plant sit in water as wet soil can promote bulb and root rot and attract pests.
- Although they cannot withstand wet feet, bulbs require water to speed up growth.
- They will come up and bloom about 70-80 days after planting and will last for about 20-25 days.